Brief info
It is not uncommon to refer to one’s church home as the “Church Family”. Thinking of that analogy brings to mind the great diversity of members who belong to an earthly family. Quite often husband, wife and children exhibit different interests and styles. Those varying interests and styles offer more than a simple difference – they offer opportunity.
The church is similar to that model. Within the local church, God has called together people from various backgrounds, cultures and ethnic roots. While some churches try to fit every member into a “box” because the differences tend to be challenges, First Emmanuel Baptist Church embraces these differences. Each difference is a part of the unique individual God created for His glory.
Even as the family is connected by a common bloodline, so the church is connected by a common bloodline – the blood of our Savior.
First Emmanuel Baptist Church members enjoy a traditional worship style and a family atmosphere. Family styled fellowships, preaching and teaching God’s Word, and enthusiastic singing bring us all together as one in Christ. Active youth and children’s groups add to the flavor as we seek to reach out and train others. Here, people truly care for each other and are not afraid to go the extra mile to be a blessing.
If you are looking for a church home where you can be a part of a church family, First Emmanuel Baptist Church is that place. Come join us and see for yourself.
In Christ,
John H. Hill, Pastor