“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;).” Hebrews 10.23
Last night (May 23, 2024) our ladies met for their monthly meeting of our “Blessed Is She” (BIS) fellowship. For 21 years our church hosted an annual ladies’ retreat which ministered to ladies from most of the south eastern states. It was a great time of fellowship in which the men of our church did all of the preparation and serving. For the ladies, it was a time to enjoy having the men do all of the serving.
I was surprised from time-to-time to see how many of our men were really good at cooking and organizing. And, I was equally surprised when I realized that some had never scrambled an egg or made a pot of coffee.
All in all, it was a great time of fellowship for all of us; and, our men worked well together with very few hitches. The last year of our Ladies’ Retreat was good, but it was obvious that the Lord was leading in a different direction. From that ministry came our current monthly meeting which meets each fourth Thursday of the month.
My role in all of this has changed a bit – all I do now is set up a sound system (and whatever else my wife asks me to do) and take it down at the end of the meeting a couple of hours later. Yesterday was my weekly day for debriding of the wound on my leg. The initial surgery was January 5, 2021 and I’ve had an open wound now for about three and one half years. The procedure takes less than five minutes but it leaves me a bit traumatized.
Last night I simply did not feel like driving home and then returning – so, I stayed through the meeting. I tried to be inconspicuous, but the ladies insisted that I eat (they always have good food) and then they recognized birthdays and sang happy birthday to me and one of the ladies – totally unexpected but greatly appreciated.
The speaker, Doris Bowman (a longtime friend and servant of our Lord), had a head of lettuce with her and she proceeded to explain that the Bible says much about lettuce. A simple illustration which has a most effective message. Of course she was referring to the phrase used by the writer of Hebrews: “Let us.” The phrase “let us” occurs 215 times in the Bible, and, while I have not done an in-depth study of every “let us” phrases; however, most of the times it occurs, it is an imperative.
Through personal testimony, Doris expressed the need for believers to recognize God’s hand in each of our life’s experiences – especially in the difficult ones and the ones in which we can see no immediate blessing. When we look beyond an initial event we may see effects of God’s intervention which dovetail into blessings for many.
Her message emphasized three of Hebrews’ “Let us” statements:
Hebrews 4.14 – let us hold fast our profession. Understand that God is in control and that what He does in our lives has purpose.
Hebrews 4.16 – Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. It is important to remember that prayer and fellowship with God and other believers are important elements in the lives of followers of Christ.
Hebrews 10.22 – Let us draw near with a true heart. Be pure and unsullied with respect to our relationship with God and fellow believers. Since we are His workmanship, we should be a resemblance to the One who saved us.
“Let Us” – Hold Fast! Come Boldly! Draw Near!
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