“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3.16
The story was told some years ago of a group of college students who were out on an evangelistic mission from a now defunct Christian college. They had prayed fervently for a harvest of souls and that God would bless their efforts. Nearing the end of their available time, they were one soul short of their prayed-for goal and were frantically looking for another soul to rescue. Coming to a red traffic light in the inner city, they saw a drunk sitting on the sidewalk. One of the young men yelled out, “Say Jesus!” The drunk grunted and said, “Say what?” The young men repeated, “Say Jesus!” The drunk yelled back, “Jesus!” One of the young energetic evangelists said to another, “We can put his name down. He called on the name of Jesus and he is saved.”
While it is true that those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, the above story misses the point completely. (Acts 2.21; Romans 10.13) There is something more to calling on the name of the Lord than simply speaking His name. When Jesus attended a Sabbath service in His hometown of Nazareth near the beginning of His ministry, He was confronted by a demon possessed man who was attending the study service. This demoniac made a more profound statement than any of the other worshipers. He said, “Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God.” (Luke 4.34) James emphasizes the fact that the demons “believe.” They even tremble at the sound of His name – yet, they will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. (James 2.19, See also Revelation 20.10)
The word “believeth” translates the Greek word “pisteúō”and means “to be fully persuaded.” Greek scholars suggest that it indicates: “to be firmly persuaded as to something, to believe …with the idea of hope and certain expectation.” (Acts 18.8) (Zodhiates) It even goes beyond a simple believing something to be true. Dr. Vine explains that it means, “’to believe,’ also ‘to be persuaded of,’ and hence, ‘to place confidence in, to trust,’ {and} signifies, in this sense of the word, reliance upon, not mere credence.”
“Not mere credence.” Whenever demons in the New Testament found themselves in the presence of the Lord of Glory, they bore testimony as to His person. Salvation is more than “yelling out the name of Jesus.” Salvation is “calling upon” – “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10.13)
We find a special “key” to understanding in the phrase “shall call upon.” This phrase means to put one’s name on – to apply a surname to. When someone “calls” upon the name of the Lord, that person is changing his name from something of the world (John 8.44) to that of the Father. That person is no longer a family member of the world but, being fully persuaded of the Lord Jesus Christ, he has been placed in the family of God. Our new birth certificate has the Father’s name on it.
Copyright © 2023 Dr. John H. Hill, All rights reserved.
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