Worldly Wisdom
“This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” James 3.15, 16
In a polar attitude between true wisdom from a Christ-centered life to that of a person who relies upon earthly knowledge and application, James discusses the results of being driven by a wrong attitude. He explains that the aforementioned attitude toward wisdom (James 3.13) is both godly and also proof of a right relationship with God. It is exhibited in personal actions and is completely different in origin and in action, and is indeed, not the same as wisdom apart from God.
James admits that there is wisdom in the world which does not emanate from God’s throne; however, it is not a wisdom that should be followed nor is it one that should be cultivated in the believer’s life. The wisdom of which he speaks is wisdom that allows someone to justify bitter envy and strife – a life that does not strive for peace and civility among fellow Christians. Worldly wisdom justifies the ways of the flesh and avoids catering to the will of God.
Since this wisdom does not descend from “above” (ánōthen– “a higher place”), it is said to come from a different place than heaven – essentially from one of three places (earthly, sensual, devilish). Each one leaves God out and suggests an atheistic mind-set. The suggestion is one of both place and degree in that the three expressions reveal an origin other than coming from God. There is also a progression as the individual moves further away from a plain walk with Christ.
The wisdom which is not from above – that which allows for a sinful lifestyle – is earthly, corporeal. It is this wisdom that caused Adam and Eve to reason that it was acceptable to heed the tempter’s voice rather than obey the instructions of God. Eve saw that the fruit of the forbidden tree appeared to be good for food. She and Adam partook together against the clear command of God. While it is true that Satan was involved, we cannot mistake the clear decision the two made when choosing their own earthly reasoning rather than allowing God to have His will accomplished through them.
The wisdom which is not from above is also sensual (psuchikós– “animalistic”) in that it tends to toss true wisdom out the window and chooses to do what feels good. This wisdom bypasses that which is spiritually spawned and acts according to an animalistic instinct. It is that which someone does to simply survive rather than to consider the variegated ramifications of their choices. David’s animalistic impulses were working overtime on several occasions.
One of the best known accounts concerned a neighbor-lady named Bathsheba. Not only did David make a completely sensual and sexual choice when he saw and lusted, but he also followed his actions by an animalistic attempt at covering his sin. Then more sensual acts resulted in the murder of Bathsheba’s husband and the loss of their child who was conceived in sin. While making these decisions, it all sounded logical; yet, being drawn away because of his own lusts (James 1.14, epithumía – “strong desires”) he was enticed (deleázo – “instigated to do evil”).
The wisdom which is not from above is devilish (daimoniṓdēs– “demon-like”). This is a departure from true wisdom as one who knows the truth but has abandoned it. Certainly the demons know of God’s greatness. After all, they have experienced God’s confounding actions against Satan’s plans for over 6,000 years. They have been the effects of God’s intrusive will over their own and have felt His wrath on more than one occasion. The demons follow the wrong master and, having no Savior, they plod along making a mockery of God’s grace and mercy.
True wisdom is evinced by an individual’s submission and adherence to God’s will – following Him and expressing that discipleship through their daily lives – their daily choices to live according to His Word. Wisdom that is not so, is evidenced by maintaining bitter envy and strife. Those attitudes and actions create confusion within the family of God because they are not at all in accord with the evidence which shows forth that which is from above.
Copyright © 2023 Dr. John H. Hill, All rights reserved.
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